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Delivering Cancer Care to Those Who Can't Afford It

Every Life Counts
We Must Act NOW.
"Every child should have the same chance of cure regardless of where they live.”
Dr. Kristin Schroeder, iCCARE co-founder
About Childhood Cancer
Worldwide, cancer causes more deaths than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined.
In children, cancer is highly treatable with cure rates over 85% in some countries, but 80% of children with cancer will die because they live in the developing countries where access to medical care is inadequate.
We want give any individual who is diagnosed with cancer the same chance of cure regardless of where they live.
Our Progress
In 2014, a child diagnosed with cancer at Bugando Medical Centre in northern Tanzania had less than a 20% chance of survival, and fewer than half could afford to complete potentially curative treatment. Today, thanks largely to iCCARE, the survival rate has more than doubled

Every Life Counts
We Must Act NOW.
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